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Some common examples are given below. For in-depth examples see the test cases in the project/tests/unit/ folder

Dictionary Syntax

A Dictionary in Godot can be specified using different equivalent syntax as follows:

    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": [1, 2, 3],
    "key3": another_dictionary,
    "key4": "value4"
    key1 = value1,
    key2 = [1, 2, 3],
    key3 = another_dictionary,
    key4 = value4

Working with a database

base code
var driver: MongoDriver =
var connection: MongoConnection = driver.connect_to_server("mongodb://localhost:27017")

var database: MongoDatabase = connection.get_database("test")
# Now you can use the database
  • Running commands

    See more on commands here
    • hello Command

      var res = database.run_command({
          hello = 1
    • createUser Command

          createUser = "test_user1",
          pwd = "pass1234",
          roles = []
  • Create specific collections

    • Capped Collection

      print(database.create_collection("test", {
          capped = true,
          size = 1000,
    • Validated Collection

      # Ensure that the _id field is less than 100 in value
      print(database.create_collection("test", {
          validator = {
              _id = Mongo.Lt(100)


See more about aggregation here

  • Example 1

    This example shows aggregation pipeline on a collection that contains orders for products
    var database: MongoDatabase = connection.get_database("test")
    var collection: MongoCollection = database.get_collection("test_col")
    # Drop the collection if it exists
    # Insert test data
        { _id = 0, productName = "Steel beam",
            status = "new", quantity = 10 },
        { _id = 1, productName = "Steel beam",
            status = "urgent", quantity = 20 },
        { _id = 2, productName = "Steel beam",
            status = "urgent", quantity = 30 },
        { _id = 3, productName = "Iron rod",
            status = "new", quantity = 15 },
        { _id = 4, productName = "Iron rod",
            status = "urgent", quantity = 50 },
        { _id = 5, productName = "Iron rod",
            status = "urgent", quantity = 10 }
    # Run the aggregation
    var result = database.run_command({
        aggregate = "test_col",
        pipeline = [
            # Stage 1: Filter documents on the status
                status = "urgent"
            # Stage 2: Group remaining documents by
            # productName and calculate total quantity
                _id = "$productName",
                sumQuantity = Mongo.Sum("$quantity")
        cursor = {}
        { _id = "Iron rod", sumQuantity = 60 },
        { _id = "Steel beam", sumQuantity = 50 }
  • Example 2

    This example shows aggregation pipeline on collection that contains pizza orders
    var database: MongoDatabase = connection.get_database("test")
    var collection: MongoCollection = database.get_collection("test_col")
        { _id = 0, name = "Pepperoni", size = "small", price = 19,
            quantity = 10, date = Mongo.Date("2021-03-13T08:14:30Z") },
        { _id = 1, name = "Pepperoni", size = "medium", price = 20,
            quantity = 20, date = Mongo.Date("2021-03-13T09:13:24Z") },
        { _id = 2, name = "Pepperoni", size = "large", price = 21,
            quantity = 30, date = Mongo.Date("2021-03-17T09:22:12Z") },
        { _id = 3, name = "Cheese", size = "small", price = 12,
            quantity = 15, date = Mongo.Date("2021-03-13T11:21:39.736Z") },
        { _id = 4, name = "Cheese", size = "medium", price = 13,
            quantity = 50, date = Mongo.Date("2022-01-12T21:23:13.331Z") },
        { _id = 5, name = "Cheese", size = "large", price = 14,
            quantity = 10, date = Mongo.Date("2022-01-12T05:08:13Z") },
        { _id = 6, name = "Vegan", size = "small", price = 17,
            quantity = 10, date = Mongo.Date("2021-01-13T05:08:13Z") },
        { _id = 7, name = "Vegan", size = "medium", price = 18,
            quantity = 10, date = Mongo.Date("2021-01-13T05:10:13Z") }
    # Run the aggregation to Calculate Total Order
    # Value and Average Order Quantity
    var result = database.run_command({
        aggregate = "test_col",
        pipeline = [
            # Stage 1: Group documents by date and calculate results
                _id = Mongo.DateToString({
                    format = "%Y-%m-%d",
                    date = "$date"
                totalOrderValue = 
                    Mongo.Sum(Mongo.Multiply(["$price", "$quantity"])),
                averageOrderQuantity = Mongo.Avg("$quantity")
            # Stage 2: Sort documents by totalOrderValue in descending order
            Mongo.Sort({ totalOrderValue = -1 })
        cursor = {}
            "_id": "2022-01-12",
            "totalOrderValue": 790,
            "averageOrderQuantity": 30
            "_id": "2021-03-13",
            "totalOrderValue": 770,
            "averageOrderQuantity": 15
            "_id": "2021-03-17",
            "totalOrderValue": 630,
            "averageOrderQuantity": 30
            "_id": "2021-01-13",
            "totalOrderValue": 350,
            "averageOrderQuantity": 10
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